Massive seaweed blob heading to Fla.

The seaweed itself is harmless. But it does harbor jellyfish, sea lice, and other stinging and biting sealife. When sargassum washes ashore in big ...

March 18, 2023
4:44 PM

The seaweed itself is harmless. But it does harbor jellyfish, sea lice, and other stinging and biting sealife. When sargassum washes ashore in big quantities, it can create headaches. 'It rots under the Florida sunshine quickly,' said Hu. 'It smells very bad and chases away tourists.' The rotten egg odor of decaying seaweed, caused by the release of hydrogen sulfide, can create health issues for residents who have chronic respiratory problems. Heavy seaweed deposits can also smother the young turtles that typically hatch on the beaches between August and October.

Nicolas Rivero